When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer 15 years ago, I desperately needed help.

Not help killing cancer, but help healing my body, mind, spirit, and the emotional trauma that came from the diagnosis. I felt discouraged with the limited healing options provided by the current allopathic medical model.  I knew that more answers were out there, I just had to find them. But I didn't have any resources nor did I know where to look. I needed someone to guide me, teach me, and help me remember how to heal.

As I set out on my healing journey, I was led to people, books, websites, documentaries, programs, and articles that taught me how to help my own magnificent body heal itself. Just as it’s divinely designed to do. I felt true hope and empowerment for the first time! I KNEW I could heal!

I knew it was in my DNA and my birthright to enjoy health and an abundant life of longevity! And this birthright is yours, too.

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When I look at who I am today, I can’t help but recognize that a divine hand molded me into the person I so desperately needed 15 years ago.

Having gathered all that beautiful knowledge over the years, I am now compelled by a force beyond my understanding to share with you all the knowledge, wisdom, and tools I have received.

I honor you for showing up for yourself, and for hearing and answering a call to take your power back and rise above your circumstance. I see your hope, your will to live, your determination to awaken to wellness, your faith and your trust!

My prayer for you is that you receive a full healing. A healing of heart, mind, spirit, and body. I am so happy we found each other! Come, and heal with me.


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The Honey Bee

The honey bee represents life, hope, and sweetness. It symbolizes the impossible becoming possible through hard work and dedication. 

Bees are endowed with instinctual abilities to create the strongest natural structure found on the planet, the hexagon honeycomb. The hexagon represents strength, harmony and balance, and carries within its walls, the only food source on earth that has every substance needed to sustain life, honey. And it never spoils.

Like the bee, you are also endowed with instinctual abilities. You have within you the ability and power to create your own strong structure, and to bring forth the sweetness of healing.

Just as bees gather pollen from various flowers to create complete life-sustaining and healing nutrition, I have gathered complete elements of healing that address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. My hope is that you find this healing nectar sweet to your soul.

“As a recent cancer survivor, I was looking for better options to increase my health when I found Melissa. I recently had my first Reiki session with her and it was incredible! I felt nervous beforehand, not knowing what to expect, but all of that went away immediately when we met.
She is so generous with her knowledge and has a calming presence. She has been a key mentor in my pursuit for greater understanding of natural health and homeopathy. Melissa is full of light and compassion and has empowered me in my quest for health and healing. I recommend Melissa, without reservation, to anyone looking to improve their health."
