My Cancer Healing Story


This is unlike any other cancer course out there. I teach not only the why of cancer and disease, but how to help yourself through and out of it. I teach tools to support your body’s natural healing energy. This is not just a food/supplement/exercise course. You will learn principles you may never have thought of that relate directly to your health. There is no other course out there that has the comprehensive education and real-life tools you can use right now to call upon your body’s healing power.

This 10-module Heal With Me Program is designed for those who have been diagnosed with cancer and those looking to optimize their health.

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I teach you the #1 contributor to cancer. And the good news is you have choice and control over this contributor! You will learn how important mother nature’s laws are. And once you understand these laws, you can use them to your advantage to heal. When we respect mother nature and obey her laws, healing happens.




Learn the importance of detoxing and cleansing your system to lift the burden on your body. I provide you a list of common household items, beauty, cleaning and cooking products to remove and swap out for more healthy, supportive ingredients that don’t contribute to the toxic load on our systems. Then learn how to remove toxic people and situations from your life that may be contributing to a diseased state in the body.




Food is powerful medicine that you can use to your advantage! Learn the foods that are the most supportive for healing cancer, and what to avoid. And did you know that HOW you eat is just as important as WHAT you eat? I’ll teach you how the emotional state you are in when you eat can affect your health. You’ll also learn tools to support emotionally healthy eating.




Connection plays an integral role in healing. You are a physical and spiritual being. And as such, your health requires connection with nature and the earth where you currently reside. Just as important as the physical is for healing, so is the spiritual. You are more than your body, and your spirit needs equal nourishment. I teach you how to connect physically and spiritually to heal the body and the soul.




All healing experts agree that movement is one of the best things you can do to heal and prevent cancer. Learn the benefits of movement for body, mind, and soul. I will guide you from wherever you are on the spectrum of movement and exercise into healthy long-lasting habits that will serve your health.




Perhaps the #1 underestimated tool in healing is the breath. I reveal ancient breath secrets that saints, sages, and yogi’s have known about and used to heal for 5,000 years. I’ll take you step by step through these breath tools and techniques, and we’ll do them together!




Don’t underestimate the power of a forgiving heart. You’ll learn in this module the emotion connected to an unforgiving heart and how to release this emotion from the body. You’ll also understand just how toxic withholding forgiveness is to the body. And because forgiveness can be difficult, I take you through my favorite tool to process past or current hurts and how to forgive even the seemingly unforgivable.




The creation of this program was on hold for a time, because it didn’t feel complete. I knew something was missing. Then I learned of this important principle, and knew I had found the missing puzzle piece! Learn how a regulated nervous system is the foundation for ALL healing. That’s right, ALL healing. I’ll teach you potently powerful tools for nervous system regulation that you can do every day to heal your nervous system and past trauma.




There is something all cancer patients have in common. In this module we talk about this commonality and how the way we handle our emotions has a direct effect on our physical health. Then I’ll teach you specific tools to help process and release stored emotion and trauma in the body. When people discover this link and learn how to manage the stress and emotions of life, they are changed.




Everything is energy. Disease, your body, your emotions, and even your thoughts. When we understand the science of energy and advanced physics, we can approach our healing from a quantum level. You’ll learn in this module where disease actually begins. I’ll teach you about your energetic anatomy and how to bring your energy into harmony so the physical can follow. Energy healing is the medicine of the future.

Everything is energy. Disease, your body, your emotions, and even your thoughts!

When we understand the science of energy and advanced physics, we can approach our healing from a quantum level. You’ll learn in this module where disease actually begins.  I’ll teach you about your energetic anatomy and how to bring your energy into harmony so the physical can follow. Energy healing is the medicine of the future.

All of this beautiful content is taught and shared in visual and written formats.  I understand that we all learn differently, and I want to provide this information in a way that speaks to all learning styles so you can integrate it fully into your life. 

I will teach you via video in each module. In this way you receive the content through human connection and interaction as well as audibly. This allows you the freedom to watch or listen on your own time, and even while you’re on the go. You will also be kinesthetically learning through this method as you join me in actively practicing some of the tools as we do them together.

You will also receive an online printable interactive workbook journal with all the content in each module written down for you. This written format allows you to visually and kinesthetically learn and integrate these concepts as you read the material and write and create health in your own personal journal.

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Cancer Healing Guide

Self-guided course taught by Melissa Taylor

Heal With Me: Guide to Healing Cancer

One-time payment of $1497

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