Seasons 2024

Personalized Astrological group coaching for 2024

Do you love learning about astrology, but feel overwhelmed by all the information out there? Would you like support so you can self apply all that beautiful knowledge in practical ways? I got you!

What if we all came with a personal set of instructions, or a map to help us navigate the ups and downs of earth life? We did!

From the moment you took your very first breath, a clock of your earth life was set in motion. At that very minute of your birth, you inhaled specific and personalized planetary energies that influence your tendencies, temperament, and the areas of life that are most emphasized for you. These planetary influences organize into a literal map of your life before you came, your current life on earth, and the direction you are going when you leave. It is the karmic fingerprint of your hopes, your destiny, your gifts, and your challenges. And no two maps are alike. This is your natal chart! I'm going to help you learn how to read it and use its navigational insights to help you through the entirety of 2024!

Join Seasons 2024

How is astrology like the weather?

Just as the weather comes and goes without forcing you to respond in a certain way, the planets don't control your choices either. Rain doesn’t make you get an umbrella, sunshine doesn’t force you go outside and enjoy it, but there is a pattern and an influence that you experience when these weather patterns arise. And you have a choice in how you want to respond to the current weather you are given. Self awareness of your own personal planetary weather allows you to choose consciously how you want to use the energy for your benefit.

Understanding your natal chart helps you see what patterns you may be stuck in, why you keep finding yourself there, and how to move into alignment with your highest choices.

Astrology can also be used to forecast upcoming weather so you can be prepared for the growth and learning your soul will be entering into.

The stars reflect your light! They witness and magnify your light and radiate it back to you!



Pragmatic astrology is to know yourself and see your own light through the lens of the heavens as they mirror it back to you. And then to use this awareness to help you return back home to yourself and remember who you are. 

It is in the remembering that we align with our true nature, and realize the natal promises given to us at birth.

With this self awareness, you can live a more fulfilled and centered life that is aligned with your highest path.

It's more than just labels and descriptions of planets, signs and houses. It is to accept the challenge given to you at birth: to be yourself.


You are here on purpose!

You arrived here with gifts to share with others and a specific direction your soul wanted to advance toward.


Your natal chart will point you toward these gifts and show you where you came from and where your soul desires to progress. It will give you insight into the human wisdom with which you are custodian over.

Have you ever wondered why you respond or react the way you do? Why you have certain preferences over others? Or why certain life events and experiences happen at the exact time that they do? It is all on purpose and right on time! Astrology can answer these questions and help you live the highest octave of the energy you came to experience.

You will walk away from Seasons and our time together in 2024 with more self awareness, increased self compassion, and the realization of the power you possess to change your reality. You will be more aligned with your soul's destiny, better equipped to understand the events happening around you and for you, and it will leave you with knowledge of how to leverage them for your personal growth.


Join Me for Seasons 2024!

Navigate the seasonal weather of 2024 with me and 9 other women in a safe, intimate group container where you will learn in community how to see and understand yourself through the eyes of the heavens. Connect and dive deep with open minded and self aware women. Build friendships and create bonds over our shared love for the mysteries and truths found in the universe. 


Astrology is the gift of divine validation and empowerment


In Seasons 2024, you will learn the basics of astrology as it applies to your current life experiences in 2024. Big milestones, victories, challenges, relationship changes, career shifts, home dynamics, etc. Together we will look at these events in your life, the current movement of the planets, and your own personal natal chart to give us the full picture of what is happening in real time and how to move with it in a centered and fulfilled way.

We will meet online together as a small group twice a month where you will learn the upcoming seasonal weather forecast for each month. You'll have the opportunity to share insights, ask questions, and observe your natal chart as well as the charts of the other group members as we learn together how the current astrological weather is influencing your lives.

All calls will be recorded for later viewing and continued learning.

Seasons 2024

What's Included?

A personal guide for your entire year


  • 1 personal laminated natal chart.
  • 1 90 minute private 1:1 natal chart reading with me (or 2024 solar return) and access to the recording - $300 value.
  • 24 LIVE astrological education and group coaching sessions (90 minutes each) - $3600 value.
  • Access to all 24 of the recorded group calls.
  • Access to Seasons 2024 Private Facebook Group for further insights, guidance, and shared learning.
  • 1 year free membership for 2024 to my online healing community, The Thrive Hive - $4000 value.

Monthly Topics Include:

  • Sun Transits
  • Mercury Retrogrades
  • Eclipse Seasons
  • Eclipse Portals
  • Equinoxes
  • Solstices
  • Moon Transits
  • Full Moon Rituals
  • New Moon Rituals
  • Conjunctions
  • Transits
  • Mundane Astrology
  • Seasonal Energies
  • Age of Aquarius

Enroll before December 15 to get your laminated natal chart before the new year!


FREE: Laminated Natal Chart before program begins!



I'm ready!



Pay in Full

Tuesday 10:00am MTN  - Solstice Group

First call Jan 2nd - and then we meet every 2nd and last Tuesday of each month

Group is Full


3 Monthly Payments of $700

Tuesday 10:00am MTN - Solstice Group

First call Jan 2nd - and then we meet every second and last Tuesday of each month

Group is Full



Pay in Full

[Tuesday 1:00pm Mountain Group]

Group is Full


3 Monthly Payments of $850

[Tuesday 1:00pm Mountain Group]

Group is Full
For payment arrangement requests, please email [email protected].